Shalom (formerly Rio)
ADOPT received the following update on Shalom (formerly Rio). We hope you enjoy it!
Rio has a new name – Shalom – he is my peace from God. We took him to PetSmart today to pick up a few puppy things – he did great – very social with people as well as other puppies. We did not crate him last night – he slept in bed with us – so snuggly! So glad you were able to bring him into our lives! He is such a good boy! No trouble with the kittens – the younger kittens seem totally okay with Shalom being here – the five-year old is not happy, but he will deal! The grand dame Moana is withholding any emotion at this time. We’ll know in a few days where she stands!
A few pictures – I’m the proud Mama! The first is Shalom “cat shopping” at PetSmart, Second is Shalom on his “blankie” in my office. Third Picture – Rio in his bed – I think he’s comfortable here in his forever home. I know we certainly are! One small potty accident, but no big deal – to be expected at this stage!
Thanks again and God Bless you for the work you do!
I’ve been singing your praises on FaceBook! Hope it garners some more adopters for you!
Shalom my friend!

1 Comment on "Shalom (formerly Rio)"
September 21, 2013 - 9:12 pm