
Breed: Yorkshire Terrier Mix
Sex: Female (spay surgery has been scheduled)
Estimated Birthdate: February 2019
Size: Toy, under 7 pounds
Good With Kids: We haven’t tested her but feel that children over 10 would be best
Good With Cats: We haven’t tested her
Good With Dogs: Not at all
House trained: Mostly. She will go outside but hasn’t learned to signal yet
Crate trained: In process. She will go in if her people are home but will bark when left alone
Recommended Environment: Ruby needs to be the only dog in the home. She will do best with older children as sudden noises and movements tend to startle her. Since she is still getting used to a crate, she wouldn’t do well in an apartment where her barking will annoy her neighbors. At this point she needs to go out every 2-3 hours to avoid accidents inside, so she needs someone that is not gone for long periods of time.
Additional Information: Ruby is very affectionate and loves to cuddle and give kisses. She has an impressive vertical jump and likes to pretend to dig and hide her toys. She likes to go on walks but will need some more leash training. She does like being the center of attention.