
Breed: Great Dane/Catahoula Leopard Dog/Mix
Sex: Female spayed
Estimated birthdate: 3/24/2019
Size: XL, approx 85+ full grown
Good with kids: unknown
Good with cats: unknown
Housebroken: with consistency
General information: Cona has the sweetest disposition. She’s very gentle, likes to play but isn’t wild, and is submissive. She likes to be near her person and will lean against you just to be as close as possible. She came in with her littermate, Trudie, and both girls were grossly underweight and had skin infections from flea dermatitis. They are now getting proper nutrition and have been treated for their skin. Our guess is that Cona would be great with kids but children 5+ would be best simply due to her size (we wouldn’t want anyone getting knocked over accidentally!) She has such a kind soul and will be an extremely loyal companion. Because she’s still a puppy, she will need to have ongoing, positive socialization as well as reinforcement of her training. We aren’t sure of her breed mix…some see Irish Wolfhound, some see Great Dane, we see “beautiful.” Whatever her mix is, Cona will be a large dog when she’s done growing so a home with room to play and exercise would be best.
*Canine-Inmate Program*