
Breed: Jack Russell Terrier mix
Sex: Male, neutered
Estimated Birth Date: 3/15/2020
Size: Small, 22 pounds
Good With Kids: Unknown but most likely yes. The children will need to avoid touching his ears until the infections are gone
Good With Cats: Unknown
Good With Dogs: Yes
Housetrained: Yes
Crate Trained: Yes
Recommended Environment: Petey likes to follow his nose. He will enjoy taking walks with plenty of stops for sniffing. Luckily, he is really good on a leash. His new home MUST have plenty of tennis balls for chasing. He likes meeting new people and is very friendly. He enjoys spending time with his person and doesn’t like to be left alone.
Additional Information: Petey is doing well learning his commands; he knows sit, stay, down, leave it, come, stand, and sit pretty. Petey has some skin issues that we are currently treating. We’re waiting for his hair to fill in on his back end. He also had severe ear infections when we brought him in. Poor guy wasn’t feeling well and wasn’t very interested in playing with other dogs. We think that he may have been worried about them hurting his sore ears. He gets nervous on car rides and needs to learn that they don’t always mean going to the vet.
*Currently in our Canine Inmate Program.*