Faye’s babies were born 7/10/2015 and are now ready to find their forever homes! Faye has been a wonderful momma and the pups have been socialized with other dogs, a cat, and people of all ages. The litter has 3 females and 5 males…all 3 females are black with tan markings. 3 of the males are black with tan markings, some have a bit of white, and there is 1 completely tan pup and 1 that is tan and white. We will be placing the puppies into homes based on matching their personalities to the home of the applicant. Please specify on your application if you prefer a male/female/or either. Adopting a puppy can be an exciting time, but once the “novelty stage” wears off, you must be committed to developing a healthy relationship by putting in hard work and remaining dedicated. Training, socialization, supervision, proper nutrition and vet care are all components of bringing a new family pet home. Because we are anticipating a high volume of applications for Faye’s puppies, please be aware of our requirements and have patience while we select the best matches!
- All applicants must be in the greater Columbus area.
- Puppies will be seen by our certified veterinarian in Westerville or Grove City for their booster shots and spay/neuter surgery. You will be required to make and keep these appointments!
- Puppy experience is preferred.
- No children under the age of 2 (simply because puppies require time and attention and it is difficult to be a superhero!).
DOB: 7/10/2015
Weight: at 6 weeks old puppies are approximately 10 lbs. They will all be large (60+ lbs when full grown.) This is our best estimation.
Breed mix: Mother is a Yellow Lab mix, Father(s) unknown.
Please fill out an online application if you are interested in adopting one of Faye’s puppies!