
Breed: Australian Shepherd mix
Sex: Male
Age: Puppy (less than 1 year)
Size: Medium to Large full grown
Good with kids: young enough to socialize
Good with cats: young enough to socialize
Housetrained: in progress
Recommended environment: Gus was born into our rescue along with 6 siblings on 8/27/2018. Because he is still so young he will do best in an environment where he is not crated for long periods and has the continued socialization needed to be a healthy and balanced pup. Gus does well with other dogs, has learned sit and a few other commands and has been potty and crate training. He’s a happy, feisty, typical puppy.
*In a Foster Home*
Additional information: His mom is an Australian Shepherd (mix?) and dad is unknown. Gus still requires his puppy boosters and neuter surgery by one of our local veterinarians so we will be accepting Columbus/vicinity applications ONLY.