
Breed: Lab, Pointer, Terrier (?) mix
Sex: Female spayed
Estimated birthdate: May 2018
Size: M/L 50 lbs
Good with kids: unknown
Good with cats: unknown
Housebroken: yes
General information: Bridget is a happy-go-lucky, wiggly, lover of life. She came to us from a rural kill shelter in Kentucky and has been placed into our canine-inmate program. She already knew some basic commands when she arrived and was quiet in the crate on her freedom ride. She’s very unique looking with a dense white coat, liver colored specks underneath and dark ears with an “eye patch.” Bridget would be great for an active individual or family that will include her in their outtings and take her for walks. She always looks like she’s smiling and would love to find her forever home.
*Canine-Inmate Program*