
**We are currently unable to schedule meet & greet appointments or do home visits in accordance with the recommendations from the CDC to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.**
Breed: German Shepherd mix
Sex: Male neutered
Estimated birthdate: March 2017
Size: L, 73 lbs
Good with kids: yes, 8+ due to Charlie being a large dog
Good with cats: unknown
Housebroken: in progress
General information: Charlie is a stunning German Shepherd mix with the most beautiful amber eyes. He came to us after having been found with his sister fending for themselves. Despite his start in life, Charlie loves everyone he meets. He likes kids, likes to play with other dogs and is a HUGE cuddle bug. He adores his toys and may occasionally steal your socks…but he will barter a trade if you give him a toy! Charlie is good in his crate and is very treat motivated which makes him easy to train. He is not yet completely housetrained (after having spent much of his life outdoors) but has made great progress and is always eager to learn new things. Charlie will need to have someone who understands this intelligent breed and who continues to provide ongoing positive lessons. He loves his daily walks and is a true joy to be with.