Si is a Lab/Shepherd mix with stunning amber eyes! He was surrendered when his person entered hospice and is looking for a new family to call his own. Si is playful, affectionate, and literally walks with a spring in his step. After entering our rescue, we learned that Si was heartworm positive. He has successfully completed his heartworm treatment and can now look forward to a long and happy, healthy life! Si is truly the complete package…he is great with kids, other dogs, and all people in general. He walks nicely on a leash and knows several commands. He’s a true gem and will make an amazing companion to anyone lucky enough to make him part of their family. To meet this wonderful boy, please fill out an online application.
Estimated birthdate: May 2012
Weight: 63 lbs
Good with kids: yes
Good with cats: unknown
Housebroken: yes
**part of the canine/inmate program**