
Sammy the Labradoodle is back… His adopters returned him because they could not handle his skin issues. This boy will be 2 in January and is so sweet but incredibly timid. His skin issues are fairly severe at this point, so he will need a home willing to do whatever treatment may be needed. Sammy gets along with other dogs and does not bother cats. He has lived with children but because of his current condition we would prefer a quieter home for him at this time. Sammy is gentle, quiet, shy and very affectionate with his people once he gets to know someone. He goes through acute flare ups with his skin and needs treatment at that time. We are continuing to work with our vet to find the best way to keep Sammy’s skin in good condition. He will never have a glorious coat, but he does have a glorious heart. If you think you can provide Sammy with a loving home and be ready to get gratitude in return, please apply online.
DOB: 01/2013
Weight: 55 lbs
Good with kids: yes
Good with cats: yes
Housebroken: yes