Megan is a 38 lb, 7 month old Lab/Retriever mix puppy. She is such a lover. She loves her toys and loves them more when she is touching people while she plays. She is really smart and would benefit from training activities – she is very good motivated and likes training activities! She is also good at entertaining herself.
She is a busy chewer. We have lots of chew toys around to keep her busy. Outside, she does a lot of exploring with her mouth – she may have some hound in her! Megan is still potty training and is easily distracted. Megan is good with other dogs, but we always encourage she meet other fur-siblings before adoption. She has not been tested with cats.
Megan is crate trained, and she loves her crate and goes in by herself when she’s tired. She is always happy to meet someone who will pet her. Megan is learning her leash manners, as her busy nose and distractibility keeps her from always simply moving forward.
Megan would do best in most homes, but she really does like kids and other dogs, so a home with two and/or four legged siblings would be best. She really likes the outdoors, so an outdoor active home would be best. There really isn’t much Megan doesn’t like, she just really wants to be around her people!