June is a Black Lab mix puppy that arrived from a high kill shelter in W. Va. along with her brother Johnny Cash and her sister Rosie. All three puppies are very sweet and are looking for forever homes. They are typical puppies, with June being more adventurous and inquisitive than her brother and sister. She has a beautiful short to medium length coat that has a little bit of wave to it and some brown mixed in, pictures don’t do her justice! June will need to be adopted within the Columbus area due to still needing boosters and her spay surgery once old enough (done by one of our local veterinarians.) If you would like to meet this beautiful girl, please fill out an online application.
Estimated birthdate: December 2015
Weight: 16 lbs (will be approx 50+ when grown. This is an estimate only!)
Good with kids: yes
Good with cats: unknown
Housebroken: in progress
**in home foster**