Otis, affectionately known as Chicken Hawk, is an adorable Boxer/Shepherd mix puppy. He is outgoing, confident and playful. Otis is a typical puppy with the best traits of his breed mix. He is very smart and loves people. He is interested in other dogs but prefers to focus on his humans. He will do best in a home with someone who can spend time with him and continue his socialization and training. While puppies are hard to resist, they are little creatures that require a lot of work (remember, they play bite, chew, pee and get into mischief!) He has begun his training in the canine/inmate program and will need ongoing reinforcement once adopted. Because of his young age and required booster shots/neuter he will need to remain in the Columbus area (to be seen by our veterinarian.) If you think you and Otis would be a good match, please fill out an online application.
Estimated birthdate: November 2015
Weight: 10 lbs (at 11 wks of age) approx 40 full grown. This is an estimate.
Good with kids: Yes, 5+
Good with cats: unknown
Housebroken: in progress
**part of canine/inmate program**