
Adoptable Medium Mix Spayed/NeuteredCanine-inmate programUp-to-date with routine shotsHouse trained

Norman is a Yellow Lab mix who is approximately 1.5 yrs old. He is a great size, 54 lbs, and is a really nice boy. He’s been fostered other dogs and cats and did just fine. He was found as a stray and nobody came forward for him, which is hard to believe because he’s such a great dog. Norman has just entered into our canine/inmate program and already knows some commands. He tends to pull on a leash but that is being worked on and certainly easy to correct with time and consistency! If you would like to meet this easygoing, beautiful boy, please fill out an online application.
Estimated birthdate: Feb 2014
Weight: 54 lbs
Good with kids: yes
Good with cats: yes
Housebroken: yes
**part of canine/inmate program**

Norman has been adopted!