

  • Animal: Dog
  • Sex: male
  • Breed: Boston Terrier / Pug mix – aka BUG
  • Age: 1 year

Hi! My name is Johnny! I am a Boston terrier/pug mix(Bug).  Johnny is still a bit of a puppy, he is definitely a chewer and will need lots of toys to funnel his energy through.  He seems to respond well to children, enjoys the park but prefers to stroll aimlessly on his own rather than romp around with other dogs.  He should probably have a yard and to be the only animal in the house.  He is crate trained and knows sit, stay and heel.  Has never had an accident in the house.  Mid to high energy level.

Every animal we adopt gives us room to save another life.  Please fill out a foster form if you want to save a life.  We will pay for just provide the loving home. You can go to our policy and proceedure page to learn more.  Even if you can’t foster you can volunteer….Contact our volunteer coordinator at [email protected].  There are many ways to help animals, please contact us today!

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