[singlepic id=1237 w=320 h=240 float=center]We recently adopted Emmy, the five month old basset hound/”yellow dog” mix, from your shelter, and we wanted to let you know how well she is doing!
Now that she has adjusted, she is doing very well (although she was doing pretty well to begin with and Kira said she fit right in as soon as she came to our house!) She’s had natural puppy behaviors, which is why on Sunday, she’ll start puppy kindergarden at Petsmart so we can learn how to be the best parents possible. It took a few weeks, but we are slowly getting her potty trained, and she hasn’t had any accidents in the house in two days! She has really enjoyed playing with our other puppy, Patch, a two year old border collie/beagle mix, and he’s slowly adjusting to having a new little puppy in the house. She has gotten big enough to jump onto the couch and our bed, so she’s been doing a lot of sleeping/relaxing on those places. 🙂 She got her stitches out from getting fixed the Friday after we got her and the vet said she looks great. I don’t know how she ended up at your shelter, but she has a forever home now and I’m pretty sure she’s very happy with us. 🙂
We want to let you know that we truly appreciate all you do for the animals at your shelter! We couldn’t be happier with our choice of bringing Emmy into our home! Thanks again for all you do!
Ashley, Matt, Patch & Emmy
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