


Hi! My name is Penny! I’€™m a female, Labrador mix, and I just turned 1 year old this July! I’€™m currently living with my foster parent, but I would love to find my forever family. I’€™m a very fast learner! I’€™m almost completely housebroken, and have only had 1 accident because I had to hold it for more than 2 hours. After only 3 days with my foster parent and some clicker training, I’€™ve already learned to come, sit, shake, and lay down. I’€™m excited to learn more tricks so that I can show off to my new family! I’€™m very food motivated, since I’€™m only 22 lbs and trying to bulk up. I’€™m still learning to play with toys, and so far I only really like my bone. I’€™m very friendly and love meeting other humans (including kids) and other dogs, but I do get slightly startled if they start barking at me.

During the day, I love to go on long walks, nap on the couch, and sniff around. I am very loyal and like to stay close to you, whether it be snuggling up on the couch, laying at your feet, or following you around the apartment so that I can check out what you’€™re doing. After a long day, I’m very good at sleeping through the night in my crate. However, I do get sad when I’€™m put in my crate during the day without anyone in the apartment, so I sometimes rip apart the towels and blankets that are in there. But I promise it’s only because I miss you!

Overall, I’€™m a very affectionate, quiet, trainable, loyal pup who is friendly toward other dogs and humans (including kids!). Not to mention that I’€™m told I’€™m pretty adorable. 😉 Please let me know if you’€™re interesting in meeting me, I can’€™t wait!

Estimated birthdate: July 2014
Weight: 22 lbs (should be closer to 35-40)
Good with kids: yes
Good with cats: unknown but probably!
Housebroken: almost

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